YouTubers Are In Trouble For Not Labeling Product Placement In Videos

Can we trust the hauls we’re watching…


by Debrief Staff |
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Our beloved Oreo biscuit may have changed the vlogging world forever.

No Tanya Burr hasn’t discovered a new cookie based facial, but instead news hit today that some well known YouTube stars were in trouble with Advertising Standards Authority (also known as the ASA) after they were paid to fawn on Oreo biscuits in their videos, but didn’t visibly label the videos as adverts.

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‘Brands and vloggers now have to make it very clear, before you click on a video, that it's a promotional video’ the ASA's Lynsay Taffe told Newsround today. Don’t get us wrong we’re not so naïve that we didn’t already know that our favourite Tuber’s were being paid to feature products on their channels.

But we always thought any paid product placement would be labelled as so, just like it is enforced to be on the TV or in magazines - and now we’re not sure we can trust any of those numerous hauls we’ve spent hours of our lives watching.

The Asa have said that all promos must be demonstrated in the video title and clearly tagged if they are promotion or the YouTube star has been paid to feature the product! Any videos that don’t have this will be been removed.

Labour MP and former Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw also joined the debate and told Newsround that YouTubers needed to be more upfront with that they were doing; ‘We think it's only fair that when they start promoting stuff on behalf of a brand - which is absolutely fine for them to do - that they do so in a way that's clear and upfront with their audience.’

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Of course it’s been widely reported that YouTuber’s are earning big bucks from their vlogs and it’s likely a lot of this earning comes from product placements and promotions so if the ASA plan to clamp down then it could change the vlogging world.

Understandly it’s made us slightly question the genuineness of some YouTube stars, as it was just this, their honesty and authenticity about what they spoke about that was the thing that makes us love them so much. But we also get they need to pay the bills, just like us, so with clearer labbeling we can totally accept some product placement videos - just like we do ads on the telly. Oh, and Tanya if you're reading this, please do invent a Oreo facemask - we think it'd be awesome.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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