12 Words That We Find Impossible To Spell Without Googling

Why is it still so impossible to spell 'definitely?'

12 Words That Even The Debrief Struggle To Spell Without Googling Them

by Alyss Bowen |
Published on

You’d think as a bunch of journalists Team Debrief would have the spelling thing down, wouldn’t you? Well, spoiler: we do not. Words like conscience and decision still make us stumble as much as anyone and don’t even get us started on because - because yes, we still have to sing the ‘big elephants can act under’ rhyme to ourselves every time we have to write it. Here are some other words that we find practically impossible to spell without Googling.

1. Definitely

Freelance writer Jazmin struggles with ‘definitely,’ and always uses too many e’s…even though D.E.F.I.N.I.T.E.L.Y is the most used word in her vocab.

2. Difficulty

Luckily Matilda solved this one with the ‘Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs F F I’ song. We thank you, Roald Dahl.

3. Mississippi

While we’re on the subject of Matilda, let’s talk about Mississippi. Or rather, let’s not because it’s impossible to spell.

4. Potato

Our editor, Rebecca, can never spell potato without putting an ‘e’ on the end…she’s glad to see that A Level in English wasn’t wasted.

5. Banana

I struggle to spell banana without singing that Gwen Stefani song ‘this shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S’ first…guilty.

6. Embarrass

I’m embarrassed that I still can’t spell embarrassed.

7. Malarkey

Natalia, our creative editor, always spells ‘malarkey’ with a c, rather than a k. Hands up in you're guilty of this too.

8. Receive

Features Editor, Vicky stumbles on this one. I before e expect after c, guyssss.

9. Blonde

Errrrrrr blond or blonde, everyone?! WE HAVE NO CLUE.

10. Millennium

Anyone else spell it ‘millenium?’ That sneaky extra n always gets us.

11. Caribbean

You’d think this one would stick in your head because chances are you’ve Googled ‘flights to the Caribbean’ on more than one occasion. But no, we all still spell it ‘Carribean,’ or ‘Caribean.’

12. Arctic

That bloody extra c.

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Follow Alyss on Instagram @alyssbowen

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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