Woman’s Emotive Post On Judgemental Mums Goes Viral


by Anna Brech |
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We humans tend to be judgy types and this trait comes to the fore in parenthood.

The idea of mums and dads gossiping at the school gates is a cliché but nevertheless, it holds true in certain circumstances.

Nearly everyone under the moon seems to have an idea of how you should or shouldn't raise children.

And one mum has had enough of it.

Karen Johnson (below), who's based in the US state of Kansas, has shared a heartfelt plea on her Facebook page, The 21st Century SAHM, calling on parents to stop with the criticism.

Kansas-based mum Karen Johnson is calling time on the judgement ©Facebook/21st Century SAHM

"Girlfriends, I got to get something off my chest," Karen writes.

"My house is never clean. Like ever. I have friends (with kids) whose houses are spotless. Are they better mothers than me? Nope. Am I a better mother than them? Nope.

"I work out every day. I have mom friends who don't exercise. (I mean other than running around like crazy people after their kids). Does that make either of us a better mom? Nope.

"I have a friend who gave birth in a pool in her living room. I pushed mine out in a hospital bed after receiving a gift from the epidural fairy. Both of us are good moms.

"I drink a beer or glass of wine (sometimes in front of my kids!) on occasion. I'm a good mom. My neighbor and good friend doesn't drink. Also a good mom.

"I'm a yeller. I have a good friend who is quiet and extremely patient. I envy her. But we are both good moms."

"My house is never clean. Like ever. I have friends whose houses are spotless" ©Getty

Karen continues with the list of lifestyle choices on which her and her parent friends differ, including religion, sexuality, diet, careers, watching TV and breastfeeding.

"So how about this?" she concludes. "Can we all climb down off judgmental mountain for a second? And just support one another? And just say, Hey, motherhood is hard. You're doing a good job. Raising kids can knock the wind out of a person. You got this.

"How awesome would that be? Just a thought."

Karen's forthright message struck to the heart of the parenting community, with almost a million likes and half a million shares at the time of writing.

"I'm an army mom getting ready to go on her fourth deployment," wrote one woman. "I swear to God, if I hear 'Oh honey! How can you just leave your kids like that? I could NEVER leave my kids' one more freaking time, I'm gonna put my boot in someone's face."

"I just fell in love with you!!" another wrote. "I have 3 kids and I curse like a sailor (its hideous, I know), my kids eat far too many popsicles for breakfast during summer, and I loathe volunteering at school (for the most part, I do, on occasion, force myself but it's usually not the highlight of my week). And I am a good Mom! I've always believed that parenting is the hardest job there is."

The message is clear: let's stop with the judgement and start celebrating our strength and courage in tackling the whole parenting shebang to begin with.

Read More: 15 Things You Only Know If You're An Older Mum

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