There’s A Scientific Reason Why You’re Always Overthinking Everything

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by Ellie Wiseman |
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All women overthink things. Our thoughts tend to go into overdrive and we become super analytical about the smallest details: conversations, body language, a cyber exchange, memories - anything. It’s a common stereotype that is often humoured, but it turns out there is actually scientific backing to it.

A study reported in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has confirmed that women overthink more than men do, due to their brains having more activity.

In the biggest brain imaging survey ever conducted, researchers at Amen Clinics in California analysed data from more than 45,000 studies and concluded that women’s brains are significantly more active than men’s.

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The study found that the brains of women were especially more active in the frontal cortex, which is involved with focus and impulse control, as well as the limbic emotional areas of the brain which are linked to mood and anxiety.

It also found that blood flow was higher in women’s brains compared to men's, meaning they are more likely to empathise, be collaborative, be intuitive and be more focussed. Though, this also increases their susceptibility to develop anxiety, depression, insomnia and eating disorders.

Women have higher rates of Alzheimer’s disease compared to men, as well as depression and anxiety disorders, whereas men are more likely to have ADHD, conduct-related problems and incarceration.

‘This is a very important study to help understand gender-biased brain differences,’ said Dr Daniel G Amen, lead author and founder of Amen Clinics Inc. ‘The quantifiable differences we identified between men and women are important for understanding gender-biased risk for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.’

Dr. George Perry, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Dean of the College of Sciences at The University of Texas at San Antonio, thinks finding out gender differences will help couples communicate better. ‘Precisely defining the physiological and structural basis of gender differences in brain function will illuminate Alzheimer’s disease and understanding our partners,’ he said.

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