Woman Rents Her Flat Out For New Year’s Eve – Place Gets Trashed, Chaos Ensues

Wooooo-Hooo It’s A Brand New Year!!! Oh Wait - My House Is Wrecked.

Woman Rents Her Flat Out For New Year's Eve - Place Gets Trashed, Chaos Ensues

by Eve Simmons |
Published on

Christina McQuillan has had a pretty shitty start to 2016. When she and her partner Henry rented their Putney pad out for the night on New Year’s Eve, she never expected to find a massive rave in full swing.

The flat was rented out on the Thursday night for just £128 by a young woman, who assured the couple that she was only renting the place for the night so she could have a place to stay after going out for New Year celebrations.

She got rumbled fairly quickly though. Christina and her partner were having dinner a few doors down at a friend’s house when the sound of booming music started to give the game away and Christina sent a text to her guest asking her to turn the music down.

Then the neighbour called to say that the music had become unbearably loud and there was a strong smell of weed coming from the house, at which point Christina decided to cut her night short and investigate.

‘It was horrific, I was so terrified,’ she told The Evening Standard. ‘I’ll never forget the sight that greeted me as I got inside, the place was a total mess.’

From ripped up flooring and scratched furniture, to mouldy scraps of food decorating the carpets, the place was – in a word – fucked. Oh yeah, and Christina claims that someone had brought actual decks along to play music, and that she caught a couple having sex in the flat while someone else watched. Henry managed to rumble his way through the 100-strong crowd to turn the power off and proceeded to call the police, who arrived after Christina was punched in the stomach when trying to kick people out. Nice.

Airbnb is said to be offering the couple their ‘full support’ but have declined to say whether they’ll be providing Ms McQuillan with any compensation.

The woman who rented the flat from the couple was approached by the Evening Standard for comment. She denied that there was an ‘orgy’ at the property and said the owners knew she’d planned to hold celebrations there.

Erm, Happy New Year???

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Follow Eve on Twitter @EvieSimm

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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