Woman Gets Stuck In The Chimney Of Man She’d Been Out With Six Times

And it wasn’t the first time she tried to break into his house


by Fiona Byrne |
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A woman in California spent five hours trapped in a chimney after trying to get access to the house of a man she’d been on just six dates with.

Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa, 30, was arrested after the man’s neighbours heard screams in the early hours of Sunday morning in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, and traced the sound to the chimney. They called 911 and after two hours, they ended up having to dismantle the chimney and use dish soap to lubricate her to get her out. After she was freed, she was taken to hospital to be evaluated.

The man, whose first name is Lawrence, wasn’t home at the time and told police he met Genoveva online and they went out six times. He said she’d tried to get into the house two weeks ago, and when he spotted her on the roof he called the police, but by the time they got there she’d disappeared.

‘It’s actually the second attempt for her trying to access the inside of my house, from the roof,’ he told CBS Los Angeles. ‘Which just goes to show you, you have to be careful who you meet online.’ Indeed.

Genoveva’s family has offered to pay Lawrence to have his chimney rebuilt and told reporters she’s a good person.

What’s weird is that the whole thing played out over the local Fire and Police Departments’ social media accounts, with pictures and everything. How totally mortifying! However, if you’re trying to gain access to your ex’s house via the chimney, maybe you’re not really the type to be worried about what anyone thinks of you.

Picture: Facebook

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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