Japan, the country that consistently produces novelty entertainment ideas beyond our wildest dreams, has totally trumped itself.
Or, The Yunessun Spa Resort has, to be specific. Touting itself as a 'spa theme park' (yeah, we never thought those two things should be put together either) the resort offers visitors a range of bathing options, that include but are not limited to: coffee, sake, green tea, red wine and....wait for it....ramen noodles.
That's right, you can swim in red wine and ramen noodles. Tbh, we're not sure which thought is more gross. A big vat of purple alcohol or a giant bowl of slimy noodles...And we also have SO many questions. Like firstly, and most importantly, can you actually drink the wine? And will you get drunk just by swimming in it (osmosis and all that)? Will you get out looking like Violet Beauregarde? And are there dumplings in the noodles, or is it more of a miso/vegetable situation? How do they stop people from just getting in and eating it?

It's like that time Johnny Depp and Kate Moss had a bath in Moet. Only, it's not. At all.

So if you ever thought you needed some 'vinotherapy' (yes, it's actually called that, although we thought that was when you got shitfaced with your pals) now you know where to go. Japan.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.