If you ever (or always) think you're the uncoolest person in the room, then worry no more - because everyone's finally starting to admit how uncool they feel sometimes. And more importantly, they're admitting it on social media - the world of carefully crafted tweets and heavily curated Instagram snaps.
The #wearealluncool campaign was started by Nicole Alvarez and Tamar Levine, who wanted to make social media a more warm and fuzzy place, and one that prevents the ripple of ridiculous thoughts that users may experience when posting (a personal selection of which includes: ‘if I post this selfie, will I seem vain??’ ‘I don't post a selfie, how will anyone know what I'm doing this evening?')
But seriously, in a world where trolling is rife and where we risk the odds of being called a fat ugly oaf every day on Instagram, it’s pretty refreshing to see a campaign that is fighting for positivity and honesty. The idea is to snap yourself holding an ‘I am not cool’ sign, and to write below three things about yourself you wouldn’t usually admit on social media.
Several celebrities and bloggers have been getting in on the action to promote the cause. Shope Delano, of style blog sassyblack.com, chose to snap herself makeup free and write about her clumsiness, skin breakouts and nerves at meeting new people.
Shope wanted to challenge 'the face of a generation who I think have become way too accustomed to striving towards achieving lives like those seen on social media. I chose to put the post up as sometimes I get comments like “I wish I could be like you, you’re perfect.” I wanted to emphasise that such comments are frankly not true, and much like everyone in real life I have as many flaws as the next person.'
Incidentally, we're all for it. Social Media can be a tricky thing to negotiate, and no-one wants to spend their time second-guessing which pictures and words you put out there. #wearealluncool provides us with a little shred of reality. It reminds us that no-one is perfect, and social media profiles aren't as represenative of the real world as we sometimes imagine.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.