Gone are the days where you have to sneakily text your mates in that WhatsApp group chat from under your desk because tadaaaa, WhatsApp is available on desktop. As of yesterday the company introduced a desktop app so you can text anyone, anywhere, at any time of the day – yes, we clearly need another techy way to stay in touch with people we never stop chatting shit to. Back in Feb it was reported that one billion people were using the app, so it makes sense to bring it to desktop. It feels very MSN circa 2004 and we’re into it. Retro.
The app is exactly the same as the one on your phone and all your conversations will be saved so you won’t lose any data (or pictures). It’s available for Windows 8+ and Mac OS 10.9+, oh and there’s a desktop notification function – but maybe mute them unless you want your boss to find out you’re texting instead of doing work.
All you have to do to download it is go right here, open the app and scan the QR code using your WhatsApp app on your phone, under the settings section. Then oh heeeey you’ve got Whatspp on your computer. Handy or what.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.