Last week Facebook launched their Marketplace, a place to buy and sell items with people in your community. Think Craigslist but a slightly less sketchy and more friendly version.
When I clicked into the marketplace I just expected people trying to flog their old furniture. Weirdly I was greeted instead by an abundance of £5 notes. It appears people are trying to sell notes with the special AA01 listings due to their high value, despite the fact they're clearly just trying to sell generic fivers. I even noticed someone trying to sell three £5 notes for £1000?!

As Tesco stopped its sales for Marmite today, one savvy seller has tried to cash in on this new gap in the market pricing a ‘half used’ pot of the spread for £25.

Despite the website’s Commerce Policy, which prohibits the sale of ‘tobacco items’ and ‘recreational drugs’, there have also been cases of people trying to sell cigarettes, drugs and even firearms. Each listing on the website is looked over by Facebook who check it if matches their policy but clearly some have managed to slip through the net.
Facebook have said they ‘are working to fix the problem’ and ‘will be closely monitoring’ the app for any violations of their policy.
Unlike rivals Ebay or Etsy, the app currently doesn’t have a secure payment system or the option to give sellers star ratings so users have also been warned to be careful when buying items using the app.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.