Weed Headphones Are Pretty Much A Thing. Kind Of

Like music to EDM’s ears

Weed Headphones Are Pretty Much A Thing. Kind Of

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

Is it just me, or does weed keep cropping up (lols) as the answer to pretty much everything? From use as a remedy for chronic PMS, to improving your workout, claims about just how helpful cannabis can be aren’t much of a surprise to any of us right now.

The latest revelation though, is one that you might not have seen coming (but probably because it doesn’t actually involve real weed).

Science wins again because thanks to these new NERVANA headphones, you’ll never have to awkwardly skulk around unfamiliar city centres playing spot the dealer, you can now 'get more from your music' and 'experience nirvana' with this weird and wonderful accessory.

The website’s description of how the headphones actually work is pretty confusing, but the jist of it is that ‘music and stimulation signals’ are sent through to the earbuds, and the left one ‘also receives the stimulation signal within the earbud material itself to, to deliver electrical stimulation to the inside surface of the ear canal and, thereby, the Vagus nerve.

Yeah, well we did say it was confusing. But by the sounds of it the Vagus nerve must be a good thing. It sounds like Vegas. Vegas is a good time.

Anyway, Elite Daily reported that the idea is to plug the headphones into a generator box which then triggers the production of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin to fuel your own high. Just like musical magic.

One nameless person told EDMTunes.com: ‘I felt the electricity go into my arm, and everything was tingling there, but the best moment for me was afterwards when I finished and stood up, I felt like I reached a personal high point. I couldn’t stop smiling or laughing. I was like, ‘Oh wow’. For about five minutes, my happiness level was a 10 out of 10. Then it got foggier, but I was still unusually happy for about an hour.’

So if unusual happiness and hearty dose of tingly arm is right up your street, you now know where to go. And at $299 a pop, they might just be worth the investment.

Just before you all go rushing out to buy a set though, hold your horses, it’s not available to buy just yet, BUT it’s had good feedback after it’s premier earlier this year.

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Follow Jazmin on Twitter @JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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