Watch 15-Year-Old Girl Shut Far-Right Protesters Down Brilliantly In Bath City Centre

Watch as this pair shut down a group of racists

Watch 15-Year-Old Girl Shut Far-Right Protesters Down Brilliantly In Bath City Centre

by Lauren Rae |
Published on

Footage has gone viral of a confrontation between a mother, her daughter and a group of racists.

The video, with a surprisingly uplifting ending, reveals a mother and her daughter confronting a racist in the centre of Bath for advocating a 'free white Britain.' Sharon and her daughter Savannah get into a heated altercation with the young man, who claims that Britain has always been historically white and should remain so.

Sharon asks the young man whether or not her mixed race daughter should be kicked out of Britain for simply being mixed heritage, to which he replies ‘she looks white to me’. Brave young Savannah also stands up for herself in the vid and expresses that we now live in a multicultural age where people can actually mix and get on happily.

The guys doesn't have a leg to stand on - 'and what and what and what and what?' is his only response to being called out as a racist on camera. The video closes with onlookers and shoppers cheering and screaming “fuck off” at the racist group - you've got to love Britain.

The video has since been shared and viewed thousands of times, and you can watch it in all its brilliance below.

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Follow Lauren on Twitter: @lawrenrae_

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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