Introducing the best solutions to relieving your bladder without using a toilet: the SHEWEE and Urinelle. Right now, with public toilets being closed and picnics on the rise, it's time to get familiar with weeing standing up... You'll be surprised with how easy and hassle-free it actually is. Here's everything you need to know.
How to use a plastic SHEWEE
1. Find somewhere nice to wee, undo trousers/jeans/shorts and push your knickers to one side
2. Put the top bit of the SHEWEE just above your clitoris, but make sure the back of it is really locked in just below your vaginal opening. Point the pointy bit of the SHEWEE to where you want to wee (you'll have more choice if you've got a long, bendy extension attached but make sure both parts of the SHEWEE are tightly connected)
3. Wee
4. Wait for the wee to go down the spout... just because you have finish the wee doesn't mean the wee has finished going down the pipe, especially if you've put the extension on
5. Shake off any teeny tiny drips, pour some water down the SHEWEE as a temporary cleaning method until you can clean it with soap
It can be used over and over again, until you just forget what sit-down wees ever felt like.
£9.99 if you want the Extreme, which comes with an extension and a case.
Clean it however you'd clean your vagina at a festival - pour water on it, use wet-wipes or soap...
It's got a drip-free coating on its products so the wee just comes off.
The part you wee into is a bit narrow, meaning you really have to learn where you're wee comes from. Also the wee can come out a little haywire if you're peeing slowly.
How to use a single-use paper Urinelle
1. Find somewhere nice to wee, undo trousers/jeans/shorts and push your knickers to one side
2. Turn your Urinelle into a cone
3. Position your labia into the wider part of the Urinelle, but make sure the back of it is really locked in just below your vaginal opening. Point the narrow end of the Urinelle forward to where you want to wee
4. Wee
5. Wait for the wee to go down the spout... just because you have finished the wee doesn't mean the wee has finished going down the paper, especially if you've put the extension on
6. Deal with the fact your wee will warm up the paper loads
7. Shake off any teeny tiny drips, fold up the Urinelle and dispose of in an environmentally-friendly way
£3.45 for a pack of 7 (or 49p per wee).
It's got great aim.
You have to throw it away.
Scrunch it up and throw it away please, do not try to use twice.
SHOP: SHEWEE & Urinelle

SHEWEE £9.99