11 People You Definitely Want To Unfriend On Facebook

unfriend facebook

by Emma Firth |
Published on

Hard to believe there was a time pre-Facebook.

Who needs to send a postcard, when a smug photo album update of your trip to Thailand will suffice? And you don’t need to go through your phone book if you’ve just got engaged – a simple bling shot with a diamond emoji will stir up just the right amount of fuss in your friendship group.

But here’s the thing – while most adults in the UK have just five ‘core’ friends, our social media following tells another story entirely. So, no doubt there will be people in your actual 'social' sphere lurking on your FB feed you probably [read: definitely] want to unfriend.

If your #FacebookSquad is in the hundreds, you may recognise a few of these individuals...

1. Your ex-boyfriend

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‘That’s his new girlfriend…seriously?!’

2. The perma-traveller

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…Who loves to share #SorryNotSorry snaps in the pool, with their inflatable flamingo/swan.

3. The over-sharer

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Who then says they ‘don’t want to talk about it’ when someone actually comments underneath the post.

**4. The politician **

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There’s an upcoming election? Get ready for the self-righteous ‘If there’s ONE thing you NEED to know…’ before/after the results. Their opinion is the only one that matters. No debate. No discussion. Their words are gospel truth.

**5. Inspirational quotes overload **

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Every. Single. Post.

6. Your child/dog/cat/car as your profile picture

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Just plain confusing.

**7. If you call your boyfriend/girlfriend ‘this one’ **

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When did this term of endearment become acceptable on social media? Their name will do.

**8. The pre-date shout out **

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‘Can’t wait to go see Bridget Jones Baby tonight with my bae’.

9. The photo-hogger

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‘What is this album?! Where are all the nice pictures of me you said you’d post?’ Unsurprisingly, no unflattering ones posted of the offender though.

**10. Your mum/dad/long-lost cousin **

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Okay, now this is a controversial one. But, while we love them, parents posting gushing letters underneath a picture of you is sometimes the actual worst. Although, we do love it when we see this happen on our friend’s Facebook. In that case, comment away…

**11. Serial pet pictures **

‘Snuffles is loving his nap today.’ Exception: totally okay if it’s your family pet. They’re lovely.

How do you unfriend someone on Facebook?

Harsh as it might sound, but sometimes a simple ‘unfollow’ won’t quite hit the spot. If you want to unfriend someone on Facebook, simply…

  1. Go to the person’s Timeline.

  2. Click the Friends button. A menu appears that is for assigning people to Friend Lists. ...

  3. Click the Unfriend link. A window pops up asking if you're sure you want to remove this friend.

  4. Click the Remove from Friends button.

…And now breathe a sigh of relief.

READ MORE: How Facebook Could Make You More Productive In The Office

READ MORE: Posting Your Workouts On Social Media Might Mean You're A Narcissist

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