This Twitter Account Will Rate Your Dog And It’s Amazing

Photos of dogs with funny captions. Who doesn't need more of that in their life?

This Twitter Account Will Rate Your Dog And It's Amazing

by Polly Riggs |
Published on

Dogs are the best. Nothing will ever make me happy like dogs do. I’ve already made my peace with my inevitable destiny as ‘crazy dog woman’. And I’m not the only one, it seems.

If you’ve not seen the Twitter account @dog_rates yet, go immediately. The account encourages you to ‘submit your dog’ via DM (way ahead of you, already done it) to be ‘rated’. Don’t worry though, there’s no dog-shaming here. Here's some highlights, in case you need any more convincing.

There are scholarly dogs:

Dogs are channeling that hungover Sunday feeling:

'We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars' dogs:

Misunderstood dogs:

And dogs who are just offering obedience:

Let's face it, all dogs are good dogs.

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**Follow Polly on Twitter **@pollyriggs96

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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