These Tweets Mocking The #TamponTax Are Amazing

Hope you're all enjoying your luxurious periods, everyone

These Tweets Mocking The #TamponTax Are Amazing

by Charley Ward |
Published on

What do crocodiles, Jaffa cakes and edible cake decorations have in common? They’re all items deemed ‘essential’ under UK law and are therefore tax-free. Do you know what isn’t considered an essential? Your handy box of Tampax, which is, for some intangible reason, dubbed a ‘luxury’ item. Because you know, inserting a tampon into your vagina when you’re feeling bloated, spotty and teary is obviously one of life’s little pleasures.

Despite a huge petition and a phenomenal outcry on social media, on Wednesday, politicians voted against removing the tax on tampons. The movement was passed with 305 votes to 287, with only three Conservative MPs going against the party whip. Incidentally, (surprisingly?) these were all men. I mean, thanks guys. I guess.

The ruling means that tampons will still be subject to a 5% tax, the lowest allowable under EU rules, after Labour lowered it from 17.5% in their last government.

The tax has drawn sharp criticisms from those pointing out that (aside from the glaring sexism), a lot of men’s grooming products, like razors, are classed as essential. Obviously, having a bit of stubble is a worse fate then having to endure your body forcibly removing itself from the inside and destroying many a nice pair of knickers in the process. OF COURSE!

As for your essential cake decorations and Jaffa cakes above, these are tax-free because they’re classed as food. I mean, crocodile meat, though. For real.

Naturally, women aren’t too pleased with this whole thing and have taken to the #tampontax thread on Twitter to mock the ruling, posing with their ‘luxurious’ tampons:

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Follow Charley on Twitter: @charrrkey

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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