These Jobs Get The Most Right Swipes On Tinder

tinder most attractive professions

by Katie Rosseinsky |
Published on

Tinder, the most ubiquitous of dating apps, has just revealed the most attractive (OK, the most right-swiped) professions in the UK – and there are plenty of surprises on the list.

Given that the app’s infamous swiping mechanism is – let’s be honest – all about judging people on their looks, you’d be forgiven for assuming that models would grab the top slots – but you’d be wrong. As it turns out, the Tinderellas of the UK are most likely to swipe right for a teacher or a lawyer.

According to the new list, teaching is the most attractive job for a woman, followed closely by working as a dentist or a speech pathologist. Lawyers, actors and the really-quite-vague umbrella term of ‘creative directors’ make up the top three for men.

Journalists (hi!) feature in the top ten for both genders. Modelling, meanwhile, comes in 14th place on both lists, while working as an estate agent proves unexpectedly popular for women, In this rental climate, though, perhaps there are few things more alluring than someone who can give you a heads-up on the reasonably priced three-bed that’s about to hit the market…

Each day, there are around 1.4 billion swipes made on Tinder around the world, with 11 billion matches made to date (although there’s no data on how many of those were accidental ‘likes’ caused by rogue thumbs…)

The full list of the most right-swiped jobs can be found below…

  1. Teacher

  2. Dentist

  3. Speech Pathologist

  4. Interior Designer

  5. Event Planner

  6. Lawyer

  7. Real Estate Agent

  8. Personal Trainer

  9. Registered Nurse

  10. Journalist

  11. Recruiter

  12. Musician

  13. Psychologist

  14. Model

  15. Flight Attendant

For men

  1. Lawyer

  2. Actor

  3. Creative Director

  4. Flight Attendant

  5. Journalist

  6. Entrepreneur / CEO

  7. Architect

  8. Personal Trainer

  9. Teacher

  10. Doctor

  11. Photographer

  12. Registered Nurse

  13. Engineer

  14. Model

  15. Chef

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