How Tonight’s Super Blue Blood Moon Could Be Very Significant

A rare celestial event is on the horizon, what will it mean for you?

January Full Moon Your Need To Know

by Vicky Spratt |
Published on

Tonight, there’s a lunar event taking place which is worth paying attention to, according to astrologers: the Super Blue Blood Moon. A rare confluence of different factors are responsible for this; a lunar eclipse, supermoon and blue moon are all happening at once.

In real terms this means that the Earth is passing between the Sun and the Moon whilst, at the same, time, the moon (which is our only natural satellite) will pass Earth at the closest point in its orbit meaning that it appears bigger and brighter than usual. As if this wasn’t enough, there’s another reason why the Super Blue Blood Moon is rather extraordinary. This will be the second full moon we’ve had in January (which is why it’s a blue moon).

Sadly, unless you’re based in Australia, Asia, the US or Eastern Europe, the lunar eclipse won’t actually be visible. However, the spiritually inclined amongst us say its astrological significance is not affected by visibility.

Legendary astrologer and spiritual maven Shelley Von Strunckel explained the significance of the Super Blue Blood Moon to* The Debrief*. ‘There’s a full moon every month’ she says ‘and each one brings both events and our feelings to a head. But, because this one’s an eclipse, which means the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned, it’s more powerful.’

Conspiracy theorists fear that the Super Blue Blood Moon could do more than bring your problematic ex back into your orbit. Doomsday predictors claim that because of the gravitational pull created when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun there will be volcanic eruptions and earthquakes across the globe. One such harbinger of doom who goes by the name of David Meade even believes that this moon is an ‘ominous’ sign from God which will bring about the beginning of the end of life as we know it.

Von Strunckel explains that the sheer gravity of the Earth’s positioning during this lunar event is ‘one reason why eclipses are associated with earthquakes’ but, in less catastrophic terms, she says, ‘an eclipse also triggers breakthroughs in whatever is “stuck” in your own thinking or in the situations you’re in whether that’s personal, romantic or professional.’

The digital spiritual hub, Mystic Mamma, points out that tonight’s full moon lunar eclipse is occurring on the Leo/Aquarius axis. This, they say, means that ‘we are being called to reawaken to our original blessings and link our hearts with the heart of the Earth and all of humanity whose essence is Love’, which certainly sounds more hopeful than David Meade’s reading of the sky.

Astrology, despite its growing ubiquity, is not a science. There is absolutely no evidence that your star sign correlates to your personality or that your fate can be determined by the stars. That said, this does nothing to undermine the appeal of analysing celestial movements. We live in data-driven times and grew up being told that science was the most powerful belief system of all, and yet, our generation is more likely to describe ourselves as spiritual than those who went before us. Still, we look to the moon, the planets and the stars beyond them in the hope that the Zodiac will provide clues and suggestions about what we could or should be doing with ourselves.

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The point is not whether astrology is ‘real’ or not, perhaps it’s that it provides an inchoate and metaphorical way of thinking about our lives. As Von Strunckel says, there is a full moon every month and each time this presents an opportunity to regroup and reflect. We like to think that we can always control the outcomes of our actions but, more often than not, things simply don’t go to plan. Call it fate, call it whatever you like, that’s just the way it seems to go. Astrology provides us with something that contemporary science and politics do not – a chance to think about possibility and not probability and explain the seemingly inexplicable.

To that end, Von Strunckel has one important piece of advice for those looking to maximize on tonight’s Super Blue Blood Moon. ‘Here’s a hint’ she says ‘instead of trying to orchestrate breakthroughs in your life, be out and about where things could happen. What’s least expected could well turn out better than anything you’d imagined to be possible.’ End of the world not withstanding, that sounds like pretty great advice.

Follow Vicky on Twitter @Victoria_Spratt

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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