The Sun Publishes Page 3 Again. Activists Go Back To Work.

The Sun has printed Page 3 this morning, and consequently broken Twitter


by Stevie Martin |
Published on

In a U-turn that nobody saw coming, The Sun has officially brought back boobs on Page 3 with 'Nicole, 22, from Bournemouth' and a statement that reads: 'Further to recent reports in all other media outlets, we would like to clarify that this is Page 3 and this is a picture of Nicole, 22, from Bournemouth'. Well, that couldn't be much clearer, could it?

Page 3 has dominated the headlines recently, after seeming to pull the institution from it's, erm, pages to a very mixed and heated reception - those in favour of its demise took to Twitter to rejoice, and those mourning its loss also took to Twitter to rejoice - with the likes of Jodie Marsh tweeting '@NoMorePage3 may I humbly suggest that you now put your time & effort into something that actually matters like campaigning against FGM...' And journalist Katie Glass discussing how 'Page Three is unfashionably frank. It’s women enjoying their bodies' in her pro-Page 3 article for The Debrief, published on Tuesday.

No More Page Three campaigner Lucy-Anne Holmes, and a whole host of others, are obviously disappointed that their fight is to continue, and the nation's most-read newspaper will still feature topless women. As Daisy Buchanan wrote in an anti-Page 3 piece for us: 'One day, we will tell kids that pictures of breasts used to be published every day, and weird dudes would buy them and stare at them on buses - and they won’t believe us. That’s progress.'

The big question is: why is it back? Was it intentional? Was it a PR stunt? Did someone leave Page 3 to the work experience and they totally forgot, unintentionally nearly causing an international incident? Or were they just pissed off that rival paper The Daily Star printed 'Home Of Page 3' on their front page yesterday? 'We would like to apologise on behalf of the print and broadcast journalists who have spent the last two days talking and writing about us,' the paper's statement continues. Well, yeah, except now their sales will have pretty much gone through the roof. Nice.

And they've certainly nearly broken Twitter, if they hadn't already.

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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