The Spanish Prime Minister Wants To Ban Memes. The Internet Reacts Accordingly

Spain isn't ready for a meme ban just yet.

Spanish memes

by Debrief Staff |
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What a week it’s been. Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States, two penguins got in a fight over a lady penguin that ended in blood and tears, and now the Spanish Prime Minister has decided to ban the use of memes in Spain. Life, oh life.

Mariano Rajoy of the Popular Party decided to take action against after a sudden surge in comical memes on social media because the one and only Donald Trump.

Apparently the scheme was put before Congress, and would restrict the use of ‘spreading images that infringed the honour of a person.’ So essentially, any meme that ever lived on the internet.The Popular Party politicians requested that the law was included within the Citizens Security Law, a legislation introduced last year and is also known as the ‘gag law’ as it curbs online activism and protests.

The internet acted accordingly, with people taking to Twitter to use the #SinMemesNoHayDemocracia tag to share – yes you’ve guessed it – more memes. Viva la meme. This is the part where we attempt to translate some of them…

From what we can gather (thanks Google translate), this one says something like this: ‘Rajoy wants no more images like this, restrict our freedom of expression.’ And yes, that is Rajoy as Edward Scissorhands

Spanish memes
Spanish memes 

Just going to leave Rajoy here…

I have no clue what this means...

Spanish Memes 

This one probably isn’t a reaction to the whole meme ban thing…but we’re going to throw it in here anyway.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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