Soo…We’ve All Been Eating Ice Lollies Wrong

Well, half of us Brits. So probably you, too.

Soo...We’ve All Been Eating Ice Lollies Wrong

by Marianne Eloise |
Published on

You’ve heard it before – we’re eating this wrong, using this incorrectly, completely misinterpreting the primary purpose of something else. Well, the latest in a long line of our complete failings is in how we eat our summer treats.

To find out how to most effectively avoid sticky fingers, ice lolly giants Fab teamed with food futurologist (yeah) Lyndon Gee. You see, where most of us would nibble or eat our lollies bottom down, you’re supposed to be combining small bites with licks as you work your way up the stick. This will ensure clean hands and prevent your lolly from falling off the stick before you’re done. Apparently.

The research conducted by Fab found out that a ton of us, 94%, are 'top downers' – eaters who start at the top and work their way down, layer by layer. Other lolly eaters include the Edger, Bottom Upper, and the Nibbler. Err. Important science, this.

Which one are you? Will you change up your method to keep up with the food fascists, or staunchly suck on, top to bottom?

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Follow Marianne on Twitter @marianne_eloise

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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