Scrolling through our Twitter timelines yesterday, we see this:

Ah, great. The front page of the good ol' *Washington Post's *lifestyle supplement tells us that a 150,000-strong women's rights march is taking place in Washington the day after President-elect Donald Trump's inaugration on January 20. Where do I click to re-
Hang on.
Oh. Oh no. The designers at the *Washington Post Express *illustrated yesterday's front page with the male sex symbol (derived from the astrological symbol for Mars) instead of the female one (depicting Venus).
It's so easily done though... right? When you've been staring at a screen for so long, making sure that the hues of 150,000 tiny protesters' t-shirts complement each other, it really is anyone's mistake to make.
And it's definitely not the first time this has happened, pointed out by feminist author and Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti, who was quick to mention another page-1 blunder from 1996:
Take a peek at that massive typo from feminisim [sic] magazine Ms. here.
But the poor souls at *Washington Post Express *were quick to apologise, releasing this statement on their Twitter page yesterday afternoon:
Erroneously. Great word. Bet they triple-spell-checked that one before hitting 'Tweet'.
And, just in case you were wondering:
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.