The New Snapchat Update Integrates Discover And Live Stories

Another day, another Snapchat update

The New Snapchat Update Integrates Discover And Live Stories

by Alyss Bowen |
Published on

While cruising through Snapchat last night I noticed something, and by something I mean another new update. Do the tech guys over there ever sleep? Evidently not. The update in question isn’t just a few new swanky buttons, it’s a redesign of the apps most popular section, the Discover page. This is the part where we attempt to break it down:

What’s going on with live stories now?

Before when watching a live story, you had to swipe up and go back to your story page to view someone else story. A long process (well, not that long) it became a bit of a pain in the ass. Now, all you have to do is swipe right and hey presto you’re onto the next person’s story.

Where can we find the discover section?

The discover section used to have it’s own page devoted to popular publications and brands posting editorial content. Now users can view the discover pages above their follower’s stories. This is quite obviously a ploy to get us all to watch more editorial content from brands like Buzzed,but it does make the app look nice and neat and not too fiddly.

How have the icons changed?

The general look and feel of the app is now different. The direct messages button is now white, and the stories button Is now purple and white. It feels sleeker, like Snapchat aged a year or two and we’re into it.

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**Follow Alyss on Twitter @alyssbowen **

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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