The Snapchat Face Swap Filter Is What It’s All About

We look into the highly addictive Snapchat Face Swap filter and haven't been doing much of anything else to be honest.

The Snapchat Face Swap Filter Is What It's All About

by Kat de Naoum |
Published on

As if you didn't already have enough things hindering you from actually doing anything important (like, for instance, working), the Snapchat Face Swap feature has arrived and is taking over the world. Whether we're morphing into our BFF, our partner, our kids, our pets, or even Leonardo DiCaprio, it's all about the swapping of the face.

How to use Snapchat Face Swap

  1. Assuming you have Snapchat (if you don’t, then get it and get to grips with the emojis), go to your snapchat filters using the front facing camera (top right). Swipe left through the filters till you get to the fifth one which is the Snapchat Face Swap filter.

  1. Here is where you’ll need that extra face. So grab a friend and align your faces into the round face holes provided.

  1. Click on the Face Swap button to capture your magic moment (click once for photo, hold down for video) and send your snap to friends or add to your story as per usual.

Snapchat’s Face Swap isn’t the only way you can go about disfiguring your face by virtue of a face swap.

Other Ways to Faceswap

You can satisfy your new addiction either online or on your phone. Oh the fun to be had.

Via a Face Swap App

Check out the following top 3 apps for your face-swapping pleasure.

**1. **MSQRD

This is the app that will turn you into Leo DiCaprio or even a monkey if you so wish, as well as swapping your visage with that of a friend. It even allows you to move and talk, and capture the splendidness of it all.

**2. **iSwap Faces

This app has apparently been around since 2009 (where were we?) and the free lite version has all the face-swapping features you need. The paid for version (£1.49) allows you to swap the faces from 2 different photos and gets rid of their logo.

3. Face Swap Live

Face Swap Live is 79p and allows you to swap faces in real time from your camera's video feed.

Face Swap Online

If your phone battery dies, don't worry. You can face swap on the computer with Face Swap Online, a user-friendly online photo editing tool allowing you to swap faces with anyone (or anything) you want and superimpose images in a few easy steps.

Funny Face Swaps

Here are some disturbing face swaps and face swap fails that had us on the floor.

Warning: Addiction level – super high. The only way to stop Face Swap from taking up too much of your time (and prevent you from getting sacked) is to delete your Snapchat account.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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