Yes, the long, long list of things that could make you ill now includes your own jeans; a health warning has been slapped on the innocent skinny-fit trouser after reports of people getting numb thighs, tingling and, in some severe cases, collapsing with swollen calves.
It comes after a woman in Adelaide spent the day squatting to empty cupboards, before finding her legs had swollen and it was difficult to walk. Doctors believe she developed compartment syndrome, exacerbated by the restrictive jeans - a condition where bundles of muscles bleed into each other.
The woman in question was rushed to hospital and put on an intravenous drip, thankfully able to walk on her own after four days. Still, pretty scary. And a warning for anyone who feels their legs tingling or going numb after a day in extremely skinny jeans.
This isn't the first time health professionals have warned against too tight trousers - in 2008, when the skinny trend was well and truly established - a study presented cases of people suffering from their choice of outerwear, which sort of begs the question: if your jeans are so tight you can't feel your legs, why are you continuing to wear them?
Guess it's the same as heels - sure, they're ruining our feet, but it's not like we're going to stop squeezing into them. Which, when you think about, is totally mad.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.