Science Says People Who Use This Instagram Filter Are More Likely To Be Depressed

Artificial intelligence is better at detecting depression than a doctor, based on your filter choices.

Science Says People Who Use This Instagram Filter Are More Likely To Be Depressed

by Polly Riggs |
Published on

We’ve all been guilty of agonizing over getting our Instagram filters on point, right? Well according to a new study, your Instagram habits could reveal more than you think.

A study conducted by Harvard University and the University of Vermont found that artificial intelligence was better at detecting depressed people from their Instagram posts than doctors were, by using face detection and analysing your choice of filter, colour and brightness.

The filter most indicative of depression is (drum roll, please) Inkwell - a black and white number.

Images that are darker in colour and have less faces in are also apparently more likely to be posted by those suffering from depression. So watch out when you’re posting those atmospheric night time shots…

It may sound crazy, but with us spending 1 hour 40 minutes on social media every day on average, I suppose it has to mean something. The study comes just two months after Microsoft scientists used search engine queries to detect potential pancreatic cancer sufferers.

It’s unlikely that social media will be replacing doctors anytime soon. But if your mate’s on something of an Inkwell spree, maybe give her a text.

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**Follow Polly on Twitter **@pollyriggs96

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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