Science Says This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have A Poo

Secretly, you knew it all along

Science Says This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have A Poo

by Mollie Wintle |
Published on

Yep, we've got the definitive answer you've all been waiting for – there is a correct time to poo.

Dr. Kenneth Koch tells Women’s Health, 'For most people, the best time and their regular time is in the morning.'

Seems reasonable enough to us. Can she go further? She can: apparently at night your digestive system processes all the food you’ve eaten during the day. This means that by the time you wake up, it’s all, you know, ready to come out.

Not to fear if you’re bucking the trend, though. Dr. Stephen B. Hanauer adds that whether you go once a week or three times a day – it’s not a problem. What you do need to keep an eye on is regularity. And it seems this might be easier to control if you have a morning routine. Science and Stephen B. Hanauer say bodies like routine, and if you mess it up, you’re going to disrupt your bowel movements. This can cause gassiness, irregularity, bloating, and even irritable bowel syndrome.

Dr. Koch advises: 'But have that breakfast, recognize that urge to have a bowel movement, and then take the time. That’s how you get into a regular movement.'

Love that attitude, Kenneth.

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Follow Mollie on Twitter @molliewintle

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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