Ryan Air Enforces Two Drink Flight Limit

Ryan Air enforces two-drink limit and alcohol ban before 10am in a bid to reduced in flight disturbances

Ryan Air Enforces Two Drink Limit

by Debrief Staff |
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Who doesn’t like to get in the ‘holiday-spirit’ (sorry) by sipping on a few G&T’s before getting on their flight and what better way to dull your senses if you’re a particularly nervous flyer. After all the departure lounge is one of those magical places where drinking your weight in wine at 7am is perfectly acceptable. Flying economy is fairly bleak at the best of times but Ryan Air’s new policy could make things a whole lot worse…

The budget airline, celebrated and often berated for its cheap short-haul flights has called for a crack-down on airport drinking; banning alcohol before 10am as well as introducing a two-drink limit in a bid to reduce in-flight disturbances caused by excess drinking. The airline has recently diverted a number of flights because of disruptive passengers on board and the decision to cut down on alcohol consumption came after a survey reporting 87% of their 4,000-person cabin crew had witnessed drunken passenger behaviour which could endanger on board safety.

Ryanair’s marketing director, Kenny Jacobs, said: “It’s completely unfair that airports can profit from the unlimited sale of alcohol to passengers and leave the airlines to deal with the safety consequences’.

Any customers showing signs of anti-social behaviour or attempting to conceal alcohol will now be denied travel without refund or compensation, which could mean you lose your holiday or at least your first couple days in the sun! The Air Navigation Order states: 'A person must not enter any aircraft when drunk, or be drunk in any aircraft,' but does not define what constitutes 'drunk.' This is the point where you slur the words 'what even is drunk?' whilst spilling your double espresso martini down yourself.

Big time airport drinking has become part and parcel of the holiday experience and this ban is sure to stem the tide of drunken and disruptive behaviour. Ryan Air has stated they don’t want to stop anyone from having a good time but customers need to be more mindful that they’re on an aircraft and not a bar. Popping open that bottle of bubbly before your outbound holiday flight could be a thing of the past if other airlines follow suit.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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