Let’s kick off March with a confusing optical illusion shall we? WHY THE HELL NOT. Take a look at this picture of strawberries and tell me what colours you see (tweet us @thedebrief) please and thanks. I see red strawberries, right? A picture of red, normal coloured if not slightly green tinted strawberries on what appears to be a cream tarte. Wrong wrong wrong.

Apparently this is an optical illusion and now I don’t know what’s real in the world. Obviously this picture has a green tint, but the strawberries still look really red to me underneath that green.
This image is an example of ‘colour constancy,’ which basically means our brain is attempting to rationalise the image. So because we automatically think red when we see images of strawberries - these strawberries therefore look red to our eyes. According to the Metro, an expert explained it as ‘when you add a cyan tiny to a black and white picture, it shifts colours in the opposite direction.’ You with me? This Twitter user then isolated the colours used within the picture on a white background to show which appear most ‘red.’
OK..I get that next to white they look grey (or green?), and it’s just my mind trying to rationalise it. But these strawberries still look red to me. So red right? Right…Will someone please tell me what colour these bloody strawberries are.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.