The Summer Of Love is officially here. With dating and sex finally back on the agenda for single people in the UK for the first time since last year. But going from no physical contact with anyone outside your support bubble to embracing the dating scene overnight seems like a lot. Three Grazia readers tell us how they fared...
‘I forgot how much of a difference eye contact and little touches make’
Helena Kate Whittingham, 26, from London, is a model and runs a talent management company
When pubs opened outside again recently, I went on a date with a guy. I was going to cancel because he’d mentioned his ex too early when we were chatting online. It didn’t feel right. I forced myself to go and, to my surprise, he was great. We spent hours at the pub then headed to a park bench with pizza. After a few flirty touches we ended up kissing. Before this, I hadn’t been romantic with anyone since before Christmas, which might explain why it felt so surreal: soft, slow and like a movie. It was amazing. My initial hesitations reminded me how important it is to meet in real life as good people don’t always come across well online. Miscommunications are easier for starters; being able to make judgements in person again is a game-changer, and I forgot how much of a difference mannerisms, eye contact and electric little touches make. I read that you need eight hugs a day to thrive. Well, I live alone so that hasn’t been happening.
This guy and I had a second enjoyable date but I’m not sure if I’m interested in seeing him again romantically. It has, however, made me feel very optimistic about getting back out on the dating scene. I’m bisexual and I’ve been dating women and non-binary people as well. We’re all so relieved safe places such as queer bars, drag shows and drag brunches will start up again – it’s been hard for the queer community. I’ve got two dates with women planned and the general vibe is ‘hallelujah, we have places to hang out again’. People will need to warm up a bit – I’ve had a few awkward dates recently where we’ve both felt out of practice and struggled to read each other. But I’m sure we’ll all slip back into it soon. Summer of love? Hell yeah, I’m here for it.
‘Our first kiss was very different to all my previous first kisses'
Jade Warne, 22, is a content producer from Manchester
I got so sick of lockdown dating – the endless chatting online with bored people and occasional sober stomps around a park – so after a particularly awful date last year I swore off it until things got a bit more normal. When restrictions started easing a few weeks ago I got back on Bumble and met a guy. We walked all afternoon (yep, walks again – but with great company this time), got on really well and talked for hours, ending with a cuppa on my doorstep. A few weeks (and dates) later and I’m exclusive with him.
Our first kiss was very different to all my previous first kisses. Usually, you end up drunkenly fumbling on a doorstep, but ours came five dates in – which was actually only 10 days or so after we met. We squeezed a lot into that first week, our relationship accelerated by the lack of intimacy that came before it. It had been six months since I’d kissed anyone.
This time, we were back at mine and had stayed up chatting until 4am when, after getting closer and closer, he eventually leaned in. It felt a bit strange, purely because I’d convinced myself during lockdown that I’d probably never get to kiss anyone again. But as we relaxed, it felt comfortable; easy.
As things get back to normal and the world opens up, it feels exciting experiencing restaurants and pubs again with a new person. It’s like a world we’ve never had as a couple before is opening up to us. Being alone through lockdown confirmed for me how much I really want a relationship. Now I’m excited for a settled girl summer.
‘Not having sex in such a long time - then finding myself in a threesome - was a lot'
Gillian Myhill, 41, is a dating app-founder from London
I split up with my long-term boyfriend at the beginning of lockdown and suddenly went from having regular sex to having none. Then, when restrictions eased a few weeks ago, I went out in London to hang out with my friend and her boyfriend. The drinks flowed and, as afternoon turned to evening, we all ended up flirting and kissing, fuelled partly by our joy of being allowed out again. Then, my friend suggested we all go back to her boyfriend’s. We danced around a bit, but soon she was dragging us all into the bedroom. This wasn’t totally out of place – I’ve slept with her before, years ago.
By this point we’d decided we were going to have a threesome. The sex was wonderful. I had this incredible orgasm where I cried. I was laughing and crying – it was such an emotional release. Not having sex in such a long time and then finding myself in this very sexy situation was a lot. It’s nerve-racking being intimate after so long on your own because you forget how to be sexy or respond to normal cues. I hadn’t even hugged someone for months, hence the tears. It was such an emotional outpouring. You don’t realise how much you crave human contact and sexual energy.
It wasn’t even awkward afterwards. We giggled and hung out and they sent me a message saying they missed me when I left. None of us would rule out a repeat in the future. Mainly, it’s just so nice to feel desired again.