The Real Life ‘Cat Burglar’ Caught Stealing Neighbours’ Underwear. Sure.

Meet Brigit the cat who has a tendency to pinch her neighbours underwear...

The Real Life 'Cat Burglar' Caught Stealing Neighbours' Underwear. Sure.

by Zoe Cassell |
Published on

This adorable kitty has a tendency to take things that don't belong her, including her neighbours underwear. Brigit from New Zealand has become an internet sensation after her owner shared the following photo on Facebook last week.

Now it's getting silly. This is Brigit's haul from the last two months. Every morning we wake up to more. I've put notes...

Posted by [Sarah Nathan](#) on

Naughty cat Brigit poses with her treasures - which include 10 pairs of boxer shorts and numerous socks. Her owner, Sarah, has posted notes in her neighbours letterboxes asking Brigit's victims to come forward. But it seems Brigit cannot keep her paws to herself.

Sarah says that Brigit has always had a tendency to pinch things in the night, but now she has a specific taste for men's boxers. She said: 'They feel as if they've come off the washing line - they've got that crispy feeling.' Well, at least they're clean! Brigit's got more sense than to be pinching any dirty men's underwear.

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Follow Zoe on Twitter @zocassell

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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