Questions We’re Still Asking About When Harry Met Sally 25 Years On

Boy scout chic? Really?


by Jess Commons |
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In weird anniversairies that the internet helps us remember news, When Harry Met Sally is now 25 years old. TBH, though, as we don't remember it coming out (too busy chowing down on that sweet, sweet baby food puree and pooing our nappies every five minutes you see) this isn't one of those anniversaries that makes us go 'OMG I'm SO OLD' (thank goodness; 18 years since Wannabe the other week nearly finished us off). Nevertheless, When Harry Met Sally is still a seminal moment in our nostalgia film history and although we've seen it over 12 times as last count, there's still a few things we need clearing up. Here's some questions we're still asking about the film 25 years on.

Was Boy Scout Chic ever a thing?

For sure, the late 70s were a weird time in fashion; flares and polo necks were on the way out and sensible 'mom' dressing was on the way in (think Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club). But Meg Ryan took the whole conservative dressing thing to a new level with her outfit in the film's opening scenes; knee-high socks, gunt-making khaki shorts and a pastel-coloured polo shirt? Way to inform the world that you're an uptight maniac who doesn't know how to let her hair down. Either that or she's trying for her literal dressing badge in the boy scouts.

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Was Miss Piggy actually better at the fake orgasm scene than Meg Ryan herself?

In case you thought The Muppets were just for kids (if you don't think Muppet Christmas Carol is the best film ever made BTW, then we've got no business being friends) there was actually some pretty raunchy stuff on The Muppet Show, including the time Miss Piggy had a spontaneous fake orgasm in a deli with Billy Crystal in a re-creation of that scene from When Harry Met Sally. If we had to choose between Miss Piggy and Meg Ryan's performances (and we're not sure what weird fucked up world that competition would exist in), we're going to have to go with Miss Piggy's purely on her excellent commitment to fake orgasming that includes running round the deli, reaching ear-splitting new vocal pitches we didn't even think Miss Piggy could achieve and finally, smashing Billy Crystal in the head. In fact, we're even going to bump her to the top of our Muppets We Sort Of Fancy As Long As You Don't Think It's Weird list, just ahead of Fozzy Bear.

Would it even have happened now?

For starters, driving cross country in the age of budget air travel? These two wouldn't even have met in 2014. Also, thanks to our old pal social media Harry and Sally wouldn't have lost touch after the car journey which means they couldn't have bumped into each other on the plane, especially after Sally saw that Harry had checked in at JFK airport with a totally lols Instagram picture of him wearing a Statue Of Liberty souvenir hat and asked the check-in desk girl if she could move seats.


Why do people think it’s acceptable to orgasm in this poor guy’s deli?

Turns out Katz's deli where the sexy fake orgasm scene took place is actually real. And, according to Newsweek who interviewed the owner last week, people think it's entriely acceptable to sit in this dining establishment and act out the entire scene. Fred Austin the owner says people moan and wail in a way that suggests their nether regions are being seen to 'a couple of times a month.' Ace. On the upside, though, there’s apparently still a line outside the door every day, even 25 years on. FYI here’s the menu, it looks fucking amazing. Maybe Meg Ryan did actually come and it was all just over the pastrami sandwich? Which is totally understandable, BTW.

Was Meg Ryan an early pioneer for the foodie dicks of the world?

You know those friends you've got that you've stopped going to restaurants with because they're all like, 'Oh I'd like the steak and chips but without the steak and also I would like to subsititute the chips for fresh rocket lettuce – dressing free – with a glass of aloe vera juice for afters kthanksbye?' Where do you think they learned it from? Meg Effing Ryan in this film, 'I’d like the chef salad with the oil and vinegar on the side and the apple pie a la mode. But I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real; if it's out of the can then nothing' In 1989, Harry found this charming, 'I love that it takes you half an hour to order a sandwich,' but 25 years of wanky foodie requests later? The joke's worn thin. Have a burger, love.

Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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