The Pope’s Not Into Social Media But That Might Be Because He’s Better At It Than Us

Pope Francis is currently winning the internet

The Pope Disses Social Media- Social Media Obsesses Over Him

by Megan Sutton |
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It’s been a busy few days for the Pope, on his whistle-stop tour of north east America.

On Saturday, the penultimate day of his trip, he arrived in Philadelphia to give a talk to a 40,000 strong crowd at the city’s Mall. And that’s when it happened.

In what can only be described as the best wardrobe malfunction of all time, the pope’s white cape –known as a mozzetta- was caught in the wind as he spoke, leaving him resembling lots of things, but mainly a frill-necked dinosaur. A high-school band played the set music of Rocky whilst this iconic fashion moment was happening because... obviously.

So anyway, yes, that happened. And the Internet loved it.

But the irony of the situation? The very next day the pope was giving a speech about how we all need to be more mindful when it comes to social media. In a talk to a group of Bishops at a church in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, the Pope slammed today’s ‘like-chasing’ culture.

‘I would dare say that at the root of so many contemporary situations is a kind of radical loneliness that so many people live in today,’ Francis said.

‘Running after the latest fad, a like, accumulating followers on any of the social networks.’

Perhaps the Pope doesn't quite understand our like chasing culture because he doesn't have to chase likes. He's got almost 7.5 million Twitter followers on his English-language profile @Pontifex and people are literally dressing their dogs and babies up like him. In short, Pope Francis is currently winning the internet.

So erm, yes. Sorry Mr Pope, social media don, we will probably carry on with the like-chasing, but that's just because we're not as good at social media as you.

BRB, just changing our phone wallpaper to the Pope and his flying bib.

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Follow Megan on Twitter: @megansuttton

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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