QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Secret Phobia?

We triple dare you with knobs on.

Two scary clowns

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

What makes you sweat at 3am? No, this isn't some naff chat up line. What makes you REALLY sweat? Think fringe-moistening, pale-inducing, frantic googling, 'why is my heart beating so fast, am I going to die?' kinda sweat.

Maybe you're with the entire population and spiders make you feel woozy. Maybe it's holes that make you jelloid? Do needles making your knees quiver? Or maybe you are suffering from Trump-induced anxiety, which is very much a real thing.

We want to try and guess what your phobia so sit back, answer honestly and we promise we won't use our new-found knowledge against you Black Mirror-style....*


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Follow Aimee on Twitter: @aimeejakes

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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