Obama’s Former Photographer’s Instagram Is The Best Thing Ever

For one thing, he's totally trolling Trump

Obama’s Former Photographer’s Instagram Is The Best Thing Ever

by Florence Ogram |
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Barack Obama’s White House photographer remains the former President’s no.1 cheerleader. Pete Souza has been using Instagram to remind his followers of the amazing job his ex-client did as President. This has very amusingly consisted of throwing major shade on President Donald Trump, comparing his egotistical composure to Obama’s acts of compassion.

One of the most popular of the photographer’s hilarious digs towards Trump is after his wife, Melania refused to hold his hand. Souza’s response- a post of Obama and Michelle lovingly holding hands from a trip to Selma in 2015, titled 'holding hands'.

The photographer previously posted a series of photos entitled ‘Respect for women’ in response to Trump’s sexist remarks towards host Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC, saying she was 'bleeding badly from a face-lift' after she criticised him on air.

And after Trump humiliated his Attorney General Jeff Sessions on twitter, saying “he had taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes” Souza posted a picture of “President Obama standing alongside Attorney General Eric Holder in 2013”.

Most recently, on a trip to Hurricane Harvey, Trump was criticised for a speech he made to the crowds of Houston, Texas. He ended the announcement to the disaster-stricken city exclaiming “Thank you everybody. What a crowd. What a turnout.” On his visit, the President also plugged his own merchandise- how embarrassing! Souza responded by posting a poignant image after Hurricane Sandy, where Obama stands holding a crying victim. He commented on the photo, “There are no Democrats or Republicans hurting in Houston; there are just Americans. At a time like this, it shouldn't be about selling baseball hats or commenting on crowd size. It's about helping our fellow human beings.” He also urged people to donate to the charities helping the state.

The dedication that Souza puts into continuing to support Obama is quite heartwarming really.

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Follow Florence on Instagram @florenceogram

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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