People On Twitter Are Suggesting #BetterAmbassadorsThanFarage After Trump Tweeted His Support

We're laughing to stop ourselves from crying.

People On Twitter Are Suggesting #BetterAmbassadorsThanFarage After Trump Tweeted His Support

by Bethan McGrath |
Published on

In one of the latest installments of the shitshow that is Donald Trump’s twitter feed, the president-elect stated that he thinks Nigel Farage would ‘do a great job’ as the UK’s Ambassador to the US.

Of course, Farage concurred.

However, people on Twitter have started suggesting more viable candidates for the position…

But don’t worry guys, apparently we already have a pretty good ambassador, and Downing Street say there’s ‘no vacancy for that position’.

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Follow Bethan on Twitter @BethanMcGrath

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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