Oral Sex Could Become The Leading Cause Of Mouth Cancer

In recent years there’s been an increase in HPV-related oral cancers - which is faintly terrifying

Oral Sex Could Become The Leading Cause Of Mouth Cancer

by Melis Zumrutel |
Published on

HPV, which can be transferred during oral sex, is set to overtake smoking as the leading cause of mouth cancer, according to online health clinic, Euroclinix.

In recent years, there’s been an increase in HPV-related oral cancer cases. While the virus itself isn’t cancerous, it can trigger abnormal tissue growth in cells that can then eventually lead to cancer.

The virus can be contracted through unprotected sex of any kind, and affects the skin around the penis, mouth, rectum, cervix and throat.

Even though two-thirds of mouth cancers are linked to tobacco smoking, around 25% of mouth cancers globally are HPV-related and this is expected to overtake smoking as the main cause of mouth cancer.

However, not everyone agrees with this claim. Speaking to the Metro.co.uk, Fiona Osgun, Cancer Research UK’s health information officer said, ‘Smoking is linked to about 65% of mouth cancers in the UK, whereas only 8-14% of cases are thought to be linked to HPV.’

To prevent contracting HPV or any STI, The NHS advises men to wear condoms. However, this does not protect against all forms of HPV. Girls aged 12-13 are being offered vaccinations to protect against cervical cancer and this can also protect from the more common forms of STIs that cause genital warts.

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**Follow Melis on Twitter @Melztl **

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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