Netflix Wants To Pay You To Watch Netflix

Netflix wants is looking to hire someone to watch its shows – could this be the best job ever? Picture: Ada Hamza


by Olivia Marks |
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What do you do when your unemployed? Browse job sites, fire off a couple of CVs, refresh your inbox and stare out of a window in a mild state of sweaty panic… then settle down to watch Netflix. Right? Right.

Wouldn't it be great if you could, you know, just get paid for binging on box sets? After all, it's one of the things you're best at and seem to spend most of your time doing.

Well, guess what? Professional Netflix Watcher is now a thing. The online TV and movie providers has announced that they are looking to pay someone to watch its shows. Called a "tagger", the lucky recruit will be tasked with watching and analysing as yet unstreamed shows, before going through the "tagging process" which involves describing the plot, tone and style of the programme or film.

40 people in the US already have "tagger" on their CV, but now Netflix are on the hunt for a UK-based tagger to help create more accurate and culturally-aware personalised recommendations for its viewers in Blighty.

But part-time Netflix lovers need not apply – this job is strictly for the dedicated and committed viewer, with an encyclopaedic (read: geeky) knowledge of TV and film.

Netflix's Todd Yellin, the man behind the tagging process explained that the company is looking for 'someone who is a real expert on movies and TV shows. They may have done script coverage for a production company or have been a film critic or just someone who is just mad about movies.'

Something tells us this application process isn't going to be as easy as showing how good you are at managing to watch Netflix with your laptop balanced on your tummy in bed…

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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