14 MSN Messenger Memories That Will Give You All The Feels

2 kl 4 u hunni x


by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

Remember the good ole days? Finishing the day at 3:30pm? Eyeing up things from Tammy Girl that had tassels on? Getting a bit of pocket money for merely sorting out socks into pairs?! Ah those were the days that adults told us we would miss, but we were too busy trying to squish our school books into tiny handbags from Jane Norman to take any notice.

The one thing I really do get misty-eyed over is MSN Messenger. Sure, teens of today are laughing because they have fancy Snapchat spectacles, but what they never had was the fun and frolics of MSN. There are a million and one memories of MSN messenger, as I spent every single spare moment on it from the ages 12 to 15, but here are 14.

1. Signing in and out repeatedly so the boy you were casually IM-ing knows you're online

You see that your crush is online, but he hasn't popped up with the standard 'hey x' message? Maybe he was playing Xbox and/or eating a sandwich when you logged on and hasn't clocked your arrival into MSN land? Yeah, that must be it...

2. Signing in and out repeatedly so your crush knows you're online

It was also a somewhat clever ploy to get into his subconscious so he would think about you for 30 seconds... Even if it was 30 seconds of him thinking you were annoying. Sigh.

3. Signing in and out with the message 'can't talk, BRB, going to make pasta'

Just to 1) make yourself seem very in demand 2) to show you have a life other than MSN (even know you definitely did not). 3) To keep your crush on his toes.

4. Spending all day with people at school, only to run home and ask them 'what have you been up too?'

There may have been a fight on the school bus? Bumped into Gareth Gates? Perfected their smouldering baby blue eyeshadow technique? One has to check these things.

5. The absolute agony of your mum wanting to use the house phone to ring a friend.

Can we all take a few moments to remember the hell of not being able to use the internet and the landline at the same time? 'Muuuuum, get off the phone!'

You noughties babies wouldn't understand.

6. Spending all evening picking that perfect song lyric to reflect your mood

Within 45 minutes, it would range from Cascada 'Everytime we touch' to Leona Lewis 'Bleeding Love' to Mayday Parade's 'When I get home in your so dead'. Being a teenager was emotional business.

7. Boys asking you 'you got cam bbe?x'

And you covering the lens with your thumb and replying 'awww its broke sowwieee x' every time.

8. Keeping sellotape over the lense of your webcam

You read somewhere that people can spy on you through your webcam, despite it being off and unplugged. You were not taking any chances thank you very much.

9, If someone dared ignore you, you would send them a nudge

Which made their entire screen shake/cause their computer to combust. LOL.

10. Installing MSN messenger on to the school computer

The 10 minute detention was so worth everyone thinking you were an utter champ. You would even put your msn name as 'Aimee is in ICT HAHA'. Legend.

11. Making a Hotmail account with 'baby', 'angel' 'sxc' in the name. Double points for 'xo'.

Mine was 'aimee-x-angel' and one of my proudest achievements.

12. Finally mustering every single bit of courage you had and asking your crush 'out'

When he said no, frantically replying 'omg so soz just got hacked, that was my m8 hahahaaha soz' and refusing to go to school for a week.

13. Having all your pals listed in your MSN name

You were known to switching up the order depending on who you sat next to in Maths. When Becky decided to ditch you in PE, she was removed STRAIGHT AWAY without even an explanation. You hope she noticed. You were so cut throat.

14. Printing out pages of conversations between you and your crush

Then reading them back to yourself whilst grinning like an idiot. He may have just asked what you were up to and whether you were 'coming out on Friday' but it was a love story which could rival Shakespeare's most enchanting prose. Just me? C'mon you did it too right? Oh.


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