Morning Skinny And Salt Daddy Are Among The New Phrases Uploaded To Urban Dictionary So Far This Year

But will you be using them in everyday language?


by Emma Gannon |
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C***td, bestie and beatboxer are the new words that have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary this year. But screw the traditionalists. What about the much-more modern Urban Dictionary? They're volunteer editors and readers have voted eight new words in. And they indicate we're still obsessed with selfies just in another form - and there's now an alternative to Bitchy Resting Face

Salt Daddy

Urban dictionary say: The complete opposite of a sugardaddy, one who tries, but is broke and fronting.

We say: This type of guy who'll take you to Maccie D's on your first date because he thinks eating a Dairy Milk McFlurry is 'special'. (Mind you, far be it from us to deny anyone a McFlurry. We all know what consequences that can have.)


Urban dictionary say: A group selfie; a picture one takes with themselves and many others in the photo. One takes an usie to be silly with friends and have fun taking random pictures of themselves.

We say: Gwyneth and Ellen. We're looking at you.

Basic Bitch

Urban dictionary say:

  1. one who has no personality; dull and irrelevant
  1. just an extra regular female

We say: Charming, of course. But a way to reclaim this word in a fun, faux-derogative way? Example: if you are bailing on a big night out with your friends because you’d rather be watching Britain’s Got Talent you should could laugh and call yourself a Basic Bitch.

Morning Skinny

Urban dictionary say: That magical time after a morning dump and before you eat anything.

We say: That pre-poo, just-woken up-with-a-flat-stomach time of the day where your jeans look great is indeed magical. But then again so is stuffing in multiple carbohydrates for lunch.

Resting douche face

Urban dictionary say: Similar to the resting bitch face, this is when a guy just looks like an asshole but he’s actually a nice guy but with a face of a complete doucher.

We say: Basically the male equivalent to Bitchy Resting Face video. Which, we guess, it's about time there was.


Urban dictionary say: A transition from napping/cuddling to sensual foreplay, followed by passionate, (rough) sex.

We say: Pretty much guaranteed to happen when you're watching Bad Teachers, Wizard Of Oz or any other film you turn on when you're hungover on the sofa on Sunday.


Urban dictionary say: A Facebook friend that gives up their 'likes' almost indiscriminately. Typically they will 'like' almost any post you make, regardless of how mundane or 'unlikeworthy' it actually was.

We say: The social media professional networker. But then again doesn't everyone need one of them in their friendship group? If only to make you feel a bit better about that picture that goes up of you half-cut by "liking it".

12-month rule

Urban dictionary say: The 12 month rule is when parents have to stop saying how many months old their baby is after they reach 1 year old. Some parents say their baby is 34 months old. They make you do extra math when they could easily say 2 years and 10 months old.

We say: How would you like it if I said I was 302 months old, ey? EY? Now, actually....

Follow Emma on Twitter @girlostinthecity

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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