Tell me what’s cuter than a miniature horse? Go. I dare you. Find me a cuter animal than a teeny tiny horse with a cute little belly trotting alone next to you. I could cry just thinking about one. I almost did in our morning conference and it was quite embarrassing but anyyyway, moving on.
Now tell me what’s cuter than a miniature horse, helping people. OH MY GOOD GOD. Is your heart bursting? It should be. Well, apparently, horses could soon be trained, like dogs, to help people with disabilities with mobility assistance and general household chores. This little lady below is Monet, and she's can even do the washing. Pretty cute, right?

Britain’s first ‘guide horse’ is called Digby (omg), and he’s a six-week-old American miniature horse (omg), who is currently being trained by his owner, Katy Smith. Digby helps those with visual impairments to do household chores, as a guide dog would. He will grow no bigger than a large dog and omg omg omg. We unforuntately don't have any pictures of Digby, but we're sure you can imagine how adorable he is.
If you’re sat there wondering why on earth this is a legit thing, it’s already happening in America at the Guide Horse Foundation, an organisation for the blind using miniature horses. So yes, these little guys can be trained ‘up to a point,’ to help. BRB off to find a miniature horse.
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Image of 'Monet' courtesy of Lorne Campbell/Guzelian
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.