Mike Pence Has Put Hamilton-Gate To Bed. Kind Of.

The future Vice President had a very unTrumpy response...

Mike Pence Has Put Hamilton-Gate To Bed. Kind Of.

by Bethan McGrath |
Published on

A lot has happened since Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s future Vice President, went to see the award-winning musical Hamilton last week. Here’s the debrief.

At the end of the performance, a cast member from Hamilton made an address to Pence, and was really very respectful. After thanking Pence for watching the show, actor Brandon Victor Dixon said that he and his cast members were 'the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.' The actor went on to ask the future VP to 'uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.'

Pretty respectful, right? He even told the audience that there was 'nothing to boo here.' Surely that’s the sort of free speech that is at the heart of American patriotism?

Not according to president elect Donald Trump. True to form, he vented on twitter about the 'harassment' of Mike Pence. And not just once, but THREE TIMES.

Looks like The Trump’s Twitter account isn’t being supervised anymore.

However, in an interview with Fox News yesterday, Mike Pence addressed the issue, and actually had a very unTrumpy response; 'First off, my daughter and I, and her cousins, really enjoyed the show. Hamilton is just an incredible production…When we arrived we heard a few boos and we heard some cheers and I nudged my kids and reminded them that’s what freedom sounds like.' He told the interviewer that he 'wasn’t offended by what was said' but would 'leave to others whether that was the appropriate venue to say it' (because Twitter is much more appropriate?). Finally, he reassured everyone that Donald Trump will 'be a president for all of the people,' and urged everyone to see the 'great, great show.'

Dare I say he came across as almost likeable? Oh wait, he’s still completely anti-abortion and considers homosexual couples part of 'societal collapse'. Alrighty then.

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Follow Bethan on Twitter @BethanMcGrath

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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