Meet Comedian Megan Amram, The Science Teacher We All Wish We’d Had

if only science at school had been this funny


by Lena deCasparis |
Published on

If you don’t know the name Megan Amram, look her up on Twitter, stat. Once there you’ll find a wealth of comic genius, often relating to Ryan Gosling. Some recent favourite Tweets include, ‘The reason football players wear helmets is to stop them from kissing’; ‘Crime I’m most likely to be arrested for: tampering with an airplane lavatory smoke detector so I can drop a steaming deuce’; oh, and one we particularly related to, ‘I've never eaten the right amount of peanut butter.’

No surprise then that it was, in fact, her Twitter account (and her 400k followers) that scored her a job writing for TV’s most loved comedies Parks And Recreation along side Amy Pohler – who if you’re not yet in love with, you will be after reading her take on office etiquette.

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Now Megan has just released* Science...For Her! *– a tongue-in-cheek faux science text book (if only our school ones were more like this), that makes fun of the stereotypes often used to describe and explain things to women dressed up as being in the name of science.

Think whole chapters dedicated to the ‘Best Gravitational Fields To Lose Weight’ – clue, there aren’t any – and ‘How To Build A Biological Clock Out Of A Potato’ – another clue: you can’t.

The book is narrated by pseudo LA girl Megan, a science-challenged narrator who was recently fired by NASA and dumped by her boy fired Xander and is, of course, designed to make a more serious point amongst the comedy – that women are woefully underrepresented in science subjects.

READ MORE: Here's The Concise Argument For Why Women Need To Get Into STEM Subjects

We grabbed the real life Megan for a quick chat science, kale, and Cher... Prepare for some very, er, playful answers.

The Debrief: Hey Megan! So tell us what gave you the idea for your new book…

**Megan Amram: **Science is hard for most people, let alone women! My tiny female brain has always had problems understanding science concepts, and my tiny female hands haven’t been able to turn the hard covers of most textbooks. I decided to write a science book tailored to women so that we won’t have to struggle anymore. And the pages are soft and silky, like a fun lil non-fat latte!

DB: OK, So what’s the book all about then?

MA: Well I just really bring science down to a woman’s level by putting it in fun terms she can understand. I talk about science in terms of love and having babies, weight loss, why a lady can’t drive: scientific stuff like that!


**DB: **Can you make it more simple for us? Describe the book in five words perhaps…

MA: Women can’t do math!

**DB: ****LOL. OK, what’s your favourite thing about science? **

MA: How applicable to a woman’s daily life it is! Like, I can use science to try to win back my ex OR get down to my birth weight.

**DB: **Amen to that. So there’s a whole chapter on Kale. We love kale. Tell us about it?

MA: It’s pretty self explanatory: 300 names of recipes for kale dishes with four exclamations points at the end. Pretty basic science stuff.

**DB: **Simple. Got it. Chat to us about your Twitter feed – we’ve read you say you have a love/hate relationship?

MA: I do in that I constantly am trying to keep the quality high, but my tiny little woman’s brain can only think of so many things at once, so it overheats and is a bit stressful. I only have enough brain-room to think of tweets or cute Louis Vuitton sports bras for dogs.

DB: That must be a struggle. Here’s a simple one, who’s your favourite person to follow?

MA: Easy – @Cher

Megan’s book is out now.

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Follow Lena On Twitter: @lenadecasparis

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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