Meet the Girl Who Started #nomakeupselfies

#nomakeupselfies started by an 18 year-old teen mum from Stoke-on-Trent has raised £8m for Cancer Research


by Sophie Cullinane |
Published on

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny the impact that #nomakeupselfies has had, quickly becoming a national phenomenon and raising £8 million for Cancer Researchin less than a week.

But the #nomakeupselfie campaign wasn’t the brainchild of a team of PR execs at a national charity, it was dreamt up by an 18-year-old teenage mum from Stoke-on-Trent.

Fiona Cunningham decided to encourage her Facebook friends to donate to Cancer Research UK by posting pictures of themselves without make-up on after losing family members to the disease. So far, an estimated two million women across the world, including a bevvy of celebrities, have taken part in the social media phenomena.

Cancer Research UK said it has been blown away by the ‘unprecedented’ increase in donations in response to the unofficial campaign, adding it will now be able to do 10 new clinical trials thanks to the donations.

Fiona Cunningham, who’s doing a degree in criminal psychology with the Open University, shared, ‘I’m overwhelmed and still think I must be dreaming. I’m just very proud and it’s thanks to everyone that it’s been so successful. So many women wear make-up and none of us really need it. The women who have done it are all so brave in a world that expects us all to wear make-up constantly.’

Thanks to the incredible response globally, Fiona’s mates have set up


It just goes to show, you never really know if something you post on Facebook could become a massive global phenomenon. Something to keep in mind next time you drunk-post that picture of a kebab.

Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophiecullinane

Picture: Caters

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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