Madrid To Get Permanent ‘Gender Equal’ Traffic Lights For World Pride

Madrid is set to install new pedestrian traffic lights depicting same-sex couples for World Pride Festival

Madrid To Get Permanent 'Gender Equal' Traffic Lights For World Pride

by Tara Pilkington |
Published on

Madrid is set to install gender equal traffic lights ahead of international Pride celebrations.

The lights will feature same-sex couples holding hands with a small heart placed in the middle of them. Others will show same-sex couples and some lights will even show a single woman stood on her own. Prior to this, the lights had originally only shown a single man crossing the street.

This small yet touching example of inclusion will cost the city €22,000 in order to replace around 288 lenses at 72 crossings, and some of these new lights can already be seen in operation in the city centre.

What’s makes this story particularly great is that after the 2017 World Pride celebrations finish on the 2nd of July, the Madrid City Hall has saidthat the lights will remain up permanently. And while there are many milestones that we are yet to reach in achieving equality, its small acts of solidarity such as this that help create a feeling of inclusion for those that are often overlooked or misrepresented in society.

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Follow Tara on Twitter at @TaraPilks

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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