Instagram Won’t Welcome Goddesses Anymore

Singer Banks has pointed out that the hashtag 'goddess' seems to be banned from Instagram...

Instagram Won't Welcome Goddesses Anymore

by Sophie Wilkinson |
Published on

In our progressive, increasingly atheist society, so many of us are guilty of diluting the meaning of the words ‘god’ and ‘goddess’. Like, oh my god!

But it looks as if so many of our opportunities to toy with the word #goddess (eg tagging Vanessa Feltz/your cat/a picture of a yoghurt as a goddess because why not?) at least on Instagram, have been quashed.

Because, basically, search for ‘#goddess’ on Instagram and nothing comes up. That’s what Banks (you know, the singer, who released an album called Goddess) pointed out.

Uploading a photo of her at a gig to her Instagram, she added the caption: ‘@instagram bring back the hashtag GODDESS. Very dark that it has been banned.’

‘Society’s fear of femininity is so sad sometimes. Women keep being juicy and womanly and sexy and milky and nutritious and curvy and yummy and strong. Women breathe out fire cuz we are #goddesses’

We’ve checked the search for #goddess, and Banks is right, it’s gone. A Spokesperson told The Debrief: 'Goddess was consistently being used to share content that violates our guidelines around nudity. We’ve taken similar action on dozens of hashtags because they were being used to share inappropriate content. We’re working on a way to more quickly restore certain hashtags that have previously been blocked.'

But ‘#goddess’ has been used for ill-will, we’d kind of like to know how – after all, ‘#god’ is still an allowed hashtag, being desecrated with all sorts of uses eg to hashtag up a post-cardio wellness dinner, some fresh Nikes or a flat white coffee with a flower design on the top.

Don’t goddesses deserve the same crappy everyday insta-treatment?

If we can't get an answer on this, we'd like to know what's worse – a female nipple? Or the #goddess hashtag?

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Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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