Study Suggests Eating Ice Cream For Breakfast Might Make You Smarter

Best news ever?


by Elizabeth Bennett |
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Forget popping fish oil tablets to boost your brain power, there’s a much tastier option on the horizon. A Japanese scientist has claimed that eating ice cream for breakfast can make you smarter and improve your performance in tasks. Happy Friday, everyone!

Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo's Kyorin University, carried out clinical trials in which test subjects ate ice cream on waking, and then carried out a series of mental tasks. According to Excite News, Koga found that people who had eaten the ice cream had faster reaction times and better information-processing capabilities than those who hadn’t.

Baffled by his results, Koga initially thought it might have been to do with the cold temperature of the ice cream. However, when he completed another study comparing people who ate ice cream with people who drank cold water, the ice cream still came out trumps.

While Koga is yet to discover why ice cream boost brain power, nutritionists are naturally skeptical. British researchers suggested it could be to do with the glucose content in ice cream which is essential for brain function.

Don’t stockpile the Ben & Jerry's though, nutritionists still condone dessert for breakfast. For a healthy option that will keep you full ‘till lunch you're probably better off sticking to porridge or some eggs on toast.

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