If You Haven’t Seen Hipster Barbie, You’re Missing Out

It’s hipster barbie, and it’s awesome

If You Haven't Seen Hipster Barbie, You're Missing Out

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

There’s a new Instagram account that’s basically taking over Instagram because it’s great – if you haven’t seen it, then check out socalitybarbie immediately. Because it’s perfect, especially if you’ve ever met, seen or heard of these clean-living hipsters emerging who use hashtags like #neverstopexploring. You definitely know one, and she (or he) is so into socality right now – a form of social community living that’s all about friendship, lakes, travelling to lakes with friends and, of course, taking loads of pictures of literally nobody else but themselves with the occasional grainy, artsy picture of their best mates who are all hot and wearing the correct hats.

From hand-over-the-face to imply coyness (despite being half naked and looking super fit), to bubble baths, to shots of them curled up on beautiful sofas in warehouse apartments captioned ‘#lazysunday’ (seriously, who is behind the camera?!), this account parodies it all. And parodies it all perfectly. There’s even some classic silhouette-of-yourself-jumping-over-some-sea shots in there, of course all captioned with the sort of stuff that makes your arse clench.

Here are our favourites, now go follow her…

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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