A woman’s handbag can be a pretty deceptive thing. From the outside it looks all together and neat (until you’ve had it for years, that is) slung across our shoulders as we swan into work. The inside is a completely different story however. And this has just been proven by new German research, fan-bloody-tastic. The research shows that there are 10, 000 different bacterias lurking in the depths of our bags.
When was the last time you actually cleaned your everyday bag? I know I haven’t given it a wash since the day I purchased it from Zara and that was about 7.5 months ago. Gross, right? I mean, I’ve emptied it and refilled it but there’s probably make-up nestled at the bottom, random food that’s fallen out of packets in hidden pockets and god knows what else. This is what Team Debrief has in their bags, you can do the math for the amount of bacteria inside them. Combined it’s probably way over 10, 000 types. Time to wash our bags? Probably. Definitely.
Social media editor, Alyss' bag

This one had a mixture of things. An inhaler, cause you know, asthma – this probably has tons of bacteria but at least it’s sealed away under the lid…until the lid falls off, which it does. An old receipt and change, probably a breeding ground for germs. Salad leaves (we told you) which should probably be in the fridge but I forgot. It's not looking good.
Editor Rebecca's bag

Look how #inspiring our editor Rebecca’s bag is. Yes she’s that person we all aspire to be going to the gym after work with her gear ready and waiting. Random money, because who needs a purse these days? Obviously sunglasses are a must right now, look at this sun. It’s blinding. Apparently Rebecca’s foundation spilled this morning so that might have increased the bacteria count a bit, but it’s fiiiine.
Creative editor, Natalia's bag

Natalia is the minimalistic type. You can tell by the lack of random crap she has floating around in the depths of her vintage bag. Only some rescue remedy, a pen and a hairband. All pretty useful stuff tbh. She’s also well prepared if that time of the month rolls by, or if she forgets her toothbrush. We’d say this is hands down the cleanest bag. Brava Natalia, brownie points to you.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.