Green Party Presidential Candidate Has Raised $2m For US Election Recount

Jill Stein is calling for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania

Green Party Presidential Candidate Has Raised $2m for US Election Recount

by Polly Bartlett |
Published on

The Green Party Presidential Candidate, Jill Stein has launched an online funding page to request a recount of election votes in 'battleground states', which has already raised in excess of $2 million.

Stein is aiming to facilitate a review of the votes in three U.S. states, Michican, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, following reports of 'statistical anomalies' in the voting data. In a statement on the fundraising page, Stein highlighted previous incidences of errors in the US vote counting system and said: 'These recounts are part of an election integrity movement to attempt to shine a light on just how untrustworthy the U.S. election system is.'

The page details that an expected $6-7 million is required to challenge election results in all three states, however if enough is raised to facilitate just one or two, then recounts will be carried out in the states where sufficient money is raised. The figure currently stands at around $2.6 million, which is enough to file a review for Wisconsin in advance of the deadline this Friday.

Trump unexpectedly won the votes in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by narrow margins (1.2% and 0.7%), and in Michigan the figure stands at just 0.3% (although the final result has not yet been confirmed), so if the recount indicates a smaller margin of victory, this could be pretty significant for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

As yet Clinton has not expressed any support for the attempt to organise a recount, and although Jill Stein has stated that the fundraiser is 'not intended to help Hillary Clinton', many are calling for the Democratic candidate to join the campaign in a last ditch attempt to change the election results.

However, for the reviews in Michigan and Pennsylvania to take place the Green Party will have to act quickly - the deadline for submitting requests for vote recounts is Monday 28 November in Pennsylvania and Wednesday 30 in Michigan. The statement on the fundraising page details that it expects to raise enough for the recount, but will pledge the money towards 'election integrity efforts and to promote systematic voting reform' should the target not be met.

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Follow Polly on Twitter: @PollyVBartlett

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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